.. vim: set et ts=3 sts=3 sw=3 tw=79: ******* Methods ******* .. figure:: collection/basics/geometric/graphen-sp2hybrid.* :align: center The hexagonal unit cell of graphitic carbon consists of a planar arrangement of sp² hybridized carbon with :math:`\mathrm{p_Z}` orbitals pointing out of the plane. The correct synthesis and identification of new materials is the key to more thorough analyses. In this chapter I will give a :ref:`historical introduction <history>` to the synthesis of carbon nanotubes and in the further course concentrate on the here chosen :doc:`synthesis technique <cvd>` for :doc:`fabricating samples <samples>` with :doc:`small diameters <nitrogen>`. I will then introduce the :doc:`microscopic setup <images>` that was developed to perform a :doc:`spectroscopic investigation <spectra>` of molecular :doc:`adsorption and desorption <adsorption>` from individual single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT). The adsorption processes have been grouped into :doc:`gas`, :doc:`solvent`, and :doc:`molecular`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 history.rst cvd.rst samples.rst methods.rst nitrogen.rst images.rst spectra.rst